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ETV Global has a strong record of results with significant improvements to individuals, companies, and institutions. Some are easy to achieve and others are more difficult to achieve and depends much on clients' performance and adherence to guidance. Still, clients' are responsible to make final decisions about accepting and or not accepting recommended guidance. Results may depend on numerous factors. There are no guarantees and therefore we outline this disclaimer for the benefit of our prospective clients. "ETV's presentations, in this web site or by direct verbal/written contain forward-looking statements, including those relating to future events or performance.  These statements are subject to many risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from any future results expressed or implied by such statements in this web site and or related presentations.  In evaluating these statements, you should consider various important factors, including market risks, fluctuations in the economy, and unexpected events."

Indemnification & Waiver:

Participants and Clients of ETV Global, Inc. agrees to defend, hold harmless and indemnify ETV Global, Inc. (ETV), all affiliates of ETV, (including but not limited to employees and independent contractors, the Board of Advisors of ETV, management, and the shareholders of ETV and their successors or assignees) for all and any damages and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, caused by or arising out of any suit, claim or other proceeding brought by or against participants and or ETV for any and all claims as a result of ETV work or involvement to support and or instruct and guide participants.

NDA (Non Disclosure Agreements) and Non Compete

By the nature of the assignments and business operation, ETV has a policy that restrict the random signing and or collection of numerous NDA agreements of any kind.  One of the key advantages to working with ETV Global is its large base of contacts, clients, access to resources with a wide range of professional services and markets. ETV's is involved in many ventures, partnerships, product innovation, wide range of markets, promotions, equity partnerships, investment strategies, venture capital and private equity, banking, entrepreneurs who ask our opinions, consultants and developers, publicly traded companies, institutions, leaders and CEOs,  and special projects.  It is our opinion that no "secrets," if any, in today's global network of information, should be or can be used, stolen, transferred, circumvented and taken advantage of, unless the parties operate unethically and irresponsibly. Which is not our mode of operation. If there are secrets, they should not be shared in the first place. If there is a need to sign an NDA agreement to prevent each other from acting unethically, then the parties should not be doing business in the first place. So these documents serve no other purpose other than unnecessary potential misunderstanding and thus restrictions and potential liability for misunderstanding.