Aaron Weiss | Founder | Arm Builders, Inc.

"As a general contractor, business owner, and entrepreneur, I didn’t know what to expect when I joined this course, and I came out with a  birds eye view of my business, and what I spend so much time and effort on, which really was amazing to me to get the tools to analyze how my business is functioning, the ups and downs, and what I need improve, what I need to focus on. Only in an event like this can you take the time to learn this about yourself and your business. I for sure would not have reached it on my own, and you have to always be open to having people help you reach your goals.

I’ve known Dr. Levy for a long time, and to me he’s an inspiration. He’s allowed me to look at things in a more clear way, more focused. His knowledge is not only for bigger companies that he has experience in, but its for any type of business, any type of company, big or small, and he knows his stuff. And he brings it in a way that is not super complex, that you need to have a masters in business to understand, he brings it in your language, in numbers that you see and feel. His model allowed me to understand my business. I didn’t have to do a masters to get it.

The financial business model is cause and effect, and it allows you to see every cause has an effect on your bottom line, to keep checks and balances, and sometimes as a business owner you need  something that will be that restriction to show you that if you do something in one area it will affect you in another, and maybe you are not spending enough where you should, and maybe you’re spending too much money in areas that are not effective, and how to grow.

What I took out of it is how am I going to grow, and what is going to justify the numbers that I have in my business model.  The financial business model is the secret to your business. It is basically glasses that lets you see the numbers, what they mean, and where you want to be in business.”

Aaron Levy