Dr. Elaine L. Rosen, CEO | Ca. Center for Healthy Living

“I began working with Dr. Aaron Levy in November of 2009 on my medical practice serving kids and their families with weight and body image challenges.  Through Dr. Levy’s mentorship and guidance, I was able to bring about significant transformation—first to myself as a leader and businesswoman, and then ultimately to my business.  His experience, caring, discipline, and instincts all combined to galvanize me to always reach for the next level, no matter where I was (or am).  One can always find individuals and companies to consult in the separate domains of financial projections/planning, prospecting/marketing, and leadership training.  But the combination of all those capabilities in one person is rare—much less one that truly cares about the success of his clients.I am thrilled to report that my gross revenue has almost tripled since.  

I have finally become profitable, while watching other new businesses that opened at the same time close.  Through persistent and aggressive marketing strategies, our new business is streaming in-- and we are maintaining a consistent level of service to our existing client base.  

Thank you, Dr. Levy; I most certainly couldn’t have done it without you."

Aaron Levy