James Barnard | CEO, Entrepreneur

“One of the key things for me, as an entrepreneur, is all the moving parts that exist in my business, and how challenging it can be on where to put priorities. One valuable thing Dr. Levy provided is looking at all the moving parts in a simple fashion so that when I look at where you are going with my business, what kind of growth I want to have and what kind of revenue I want to make, I can identify where my priorities of focus need to be. So that was really valuable. The other thing is identifying hidden costs in the business, and understanding how to effectively delineate costs… it (the financial model) allows you to focus on what you need to do to achieve revenue goals. This seminar really focuses on sales, and the ability to grow your business strategically, so that was really valuable to me.

Dr. Levy is very compassionate and very strategic, and has a lot of experience in different industries. He provides a unique perspective where he can look at things at a really high level, and at micro level as well and how that effects the bigger picture. He is really good at explaining things simply where they can seem complex to many people, he is good at explaining them simply, and engaging audience participation so that people understand it. The financial business model is not like a typical accounting standpoint, it is based on a strategic growth approach. Meaning if I have products and services that I offer, what are the costs I need to take on in order to ensure the growth my business? The financial business model is amazing.”

David Nordel