Tracy Ryan Co-Founder/CCO- NKore BioTherapeutics

"Dr. Levy has been guiding my businesses since 2012 and has consistently provided strategic guidance that has been invaluable to our team. His expertise and courses in financial modeling have helped my team grow and excel in their divisions while giving our company the strong infrastructure we needed to scale. 

No matter the business question, Dr. Levy has always been my first call as he has become a trusted mentor and leader that we can always depend on to give us expert advice. He has been an incredible asset over the years, and we feel incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to build such an incredible relationship with him over the years. 

Above and beyond all his incredible knowledge as a top-level executive, he is also someone I completely trust. That is not something I say about many people, and I look forward to many more years of his unwavering support.”

Aaron Levy