La Donna Bennett | Founder & CEO | Universal Flow Inc.

I started my business without any guidance other than the spirit in me and wanting to do good for people and share my knowledge and wisdom.  I never had a problem with finances flowing into my business.  It is one thing to have financial flow but not having a clue how to manage it can be frustrating.  Then I got lucky!  I met Aaron U. Levy.

When Aaron informed me that he was giving a class, I knew that I had to attend.  Aaron’s knowledge, his experience and the financial model that he provides has changed the direction of my business.  Attending his classes has granted me the opportunity to recognize the true value of my business.  Applying Aaron’s tools and knowledge has changed the way I do business.  I am seeing more clients and creating other streams of income from his business model. Whenever I get notifications that Aaron is having a class I make a conscious decision to rearrange to attend.  Take his class...change your life.

Aaron Levy