Jody Clegg | Jody Clegg Real Estate Team

“I can honestly say that Dr. Levy’s impact on our organization was immediate and in many ways. It is with Dr. Levy’s guidance, direction, business tools, and strategic planning that resulted in our company growth by more than 40% in the last year.”

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David Nordel
David Blitz - Founder & CEO - Nebo Capital Inc.

Testimonial:  We worked with Dr. Levy in 2014 on financial modeling and strategic development.  In my years of experience with Dr Aaron Levy he has never failed to impress me with the breath of his knowledge of technical and management/ organizational issues as well as his “renaissance man” breath and real-world problem-solving successes in many fields.

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Aaron Levy
Elijah Rosenberg - CEO, Founder, Investor

“Dr. Levy has been incredibly beneficial in my own learning process, "readjusting" my perceptions and adding to my skill set as an entrepreneur, investor and as CEO.   I highly regard the learning curve and insight I have learned from Dr. Levy. “

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Aaron Levy
Dr. Elaine L. Rosen, CEO | Ca. Center for Healthy Living

“Through Dr. Levy’s mentorship and guidance, I was able to bring about significant transformation—first to myself as a leader and businesswoman, and then ultimately to my business.  His experience, caring, discipline, and instincts all combined to galvanize me to always reach for the next level, no matter where I was (or am).”

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Aaron Levy
Jennie Nigrosh CEO and Co-Founder, The Green Garmento

“I recently had the opportunity to participate in Dr. Aaron Levy’s workshop “The Effective Proposal Template for The Virtual World.” I highly recommend it. I left the interactive workshop with a practical, easy-to-use template and a specific process to create winnable proposals I can use with all our future potential clients.”

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Aaron Levy